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Perspective is the Alchemy of life

It can take a nice life and alchemize it into wholehearted incredible show stopping, filled- to –the- brim kind of a life.

Alchemy: concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination: finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtle alchemy.

We have all likely heard that our perspective can change a moment, a day, a season, and a lifetime. The trick is how to change our perspective when we are in the funk after a hard series of events or situations. Changing our mindset takes a lot of work. The stories we tell ourselves set our disposition, and ultimately determine what we are attracting into our lives. We become who we believe we are. We may unintentionally create a habit of a victim mentality, and we may only see the negative aspects of the people or events around us. This can creep into your psyche like a virus and cloud our thinking without even realizing it.

Here are some tactics to regain perspective and alchemize your days:

The actions center around increasing ‘happy brain drugs’: oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. Each of the activities below will trigger one or more of these brain chemicals to be released into your system. Connectivity, empathy, exercise, striving towards goals, are all things that activate neurochemicals and make us feel good.

Find a partner who will meet you 2 x per week to hike, run, ski, walk, spin, take a class, grab coffee… Hold each other accountable to meet even if it’s only a for a short time. You will gain positive feelings and dopamine.

Shift your focus to helping someone else: Ask someone how they are doing while looking them directly in the eye. Send a text to someone telling them what you love about them, or merely that you are thinking about them .

Remember the things that really matter most- do this with a friend as part of a practice together during your weekly meetings.

Take 10 minute walk or jog (see – the power of 10) breathe, look around, notice and absorb the beauty around you, center yourself.

Wake up in the morning and think of 3 things that are great in your life, before you even put your feet on the floor. Set 3 goals for the day of what you want to accomplish.

We have hopefully all had a time in our lives when someone stepped in and helped us alchemize a crappy experience into a spring board for a greater opportunity. It’s not if we fall down in life, but how we get up. Sometimes it’s literal, but often it’s a ‘get up’ mentality, which is challenging because the mind is messy and confusing. Sometimes the jungle of mental chatter can be hard to discern between legitimate considerations versus excuses. Surround yourself with people who see your greatness; make sure you help others see their own amazing selves . In doing this, we all become the alchemist that makes life truly special.

Armed with Purpose

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